Meet the team
HP- Honoreen Paulin
Our Elders
Deacons are called to minister compassionately to those in need, the sick, the lost, the friendless, and anyone experiencing distress. Their biblical role is to show sympathy, bear witness, and provide service, emulating the example of Jesus Christ.
Concerns and Prayers for Others – We pray for all anyone who has requested our prayers, whether for themselves or for others.
Family Assistance – This fund can provide financial assistance to those in need.
Cards Ministry – Someone on the committee sends out greeting cards, such as Get Well and Thinking of You to appropriate recipients. Additionally, the committee maintains a list of people who receive Walmart gift cards on specific holidays.
Homebound Communion – The pastor and a member of this committee visits anyone who would like to take communion but is unable to attend church.
Meals for the Homebound – The designated deacons delegate and/or deliver meals for those who are ill, just had surgery, or had a baby.
Communion – The designated deacons get communion ready to serve Sunday morning and cleans up after the service.