Our church provides a beautiful and sacred environment for your wedding!
To learn more about having your
wedding ceremony at Riverdale, please contact our wedding coordinator, Michelle Ritton at mjritton12@gmail.com or the church office at 724-457-0207 or

​This is a summary of our wedding policy. Additional information can be provided to you by our wedding coordinator.
Sanctuary Seating Capacity is
200 people.
The aisle is approximately 46 ft. long.
18 pews are available- thumbtacks and tape are not permitted to hold décor in the church.
Candelabras are available.
A unity candle purchased by the couple is permitted.
Please no rice or confetti. We suggest bubbles outside of the church.
The church is air-conditioned.

Fees and Expenses
Members Non-Members
Use of Sanctuary No Cost $300
Pastor Honorarium $150
Musician $200 $200
Services $150 $150
Coordinator $200 $200
Support $150 $150
Use of
Fellowship Hall No Cost $200
Use of Kitchen No Cost $50